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If you have recently moved to Montevallo, and your home is located inside the city limits, garbage collection services will automatically be added to your water account. When you have your water turned on at the Montevallo Water & Sewer Board, a representative will give you a form to complete for garbage service. You should already have one garbage can at your residence. If you do not have a garbage can please contact Lisa Shapiro at City Hall, 205-665-2555, Option 1, Extension 109# or email if you do not have a garbage can. If you ever have a damaged garbage can please contact Lisa Shapiro to schedule an exchange date.

The City contracts with Republic Services to provide curb side garbage pick-up once per week. Republic Services requests that you place your garbage can out the night before your service day as the driver may come to collect between 5:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Drivers may not run the same route on a dailey basis for various reasons (road blocked, utility work, etc.) To find out the day of garbage pick-up where you live, click here to open a PDF to check by your street name in alphabetical order. Call City Hall at 205-665-2555, Option 1, Extention 109# and we will contact Republic Services on your behalf - to assist you with any inquiries you may have regarding garbage services in the city limits of Montevallo.

All garbage must be placed in garbage bags inside a roll out cart provided by Republic Services. Garbage cans must be placed by the curb for pick-up the night before your service day to ensure your garbage can will be serviced. Garbage will not be picked up if water-logged or scattered. We ask that residents keep garbage cans behind or to the side of the house for a neater appearance when not put out for collection. For a full list of helpful information about placing items in your garbage can please click here to open a PDF: Garbage Helpful Information.

If you have an issue with your trash service such as: your garbage was missed on its service day, you need an additional garbage can, your garbage can has been damaged and it needs to be exchanged, or any other issue - please contact Lisa Shapiro at City Hall by calling 205-665-2555, Option 1, Extension 109# or email

Non-City Limit Residents

To establish garbage collection service if you live outside the city limits in an unincorporated area and would like to set up garbage collection services, contact Waste Management or call 800-607-9509. Garbage Collection Services outside the City limits of Montevallo are determined by Shelby County Environmental ServicesIf you are in an unicorporated area and have additional questions or issues, please contact Shelby County Environmental Services at (205) 669-3737.

Recycling Services

For more information regarding recycling services, please visit the Sustainability web page. If you have questions about Recycling or the Recycling Center, please call Lisa Shapiro at 205-665-2555 x 109 or email

Garbage Forms 

Application for Exemption from Garbage Collection