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Design Review Committee

Design Review Committee

The City Council created the Design Review Committee (DRC aka Architectural Review Board) to perform the duties and responsibilities of the Historical Preservation Commission in accepting, considering and approving or rejecting applications for certificates of appropriateness. The DRC is composed of not less than five members who shall have demonstrated training or experience in the fields of history, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology or law. Members of the board need not be residents of the city. No member of the City Council or the Mayor shall serve as members of the board. Members of the board shall be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the City Council. Except for the original members of the board, members of the board shall serve three-year terms and shall be appointed in such manner as to serve overlapping terms. Members of the board may be reappointed. The DRC also reviews and approves applications regarding proposed improvements situated within the city's designated Overlay Districts.


Courtney Bennett, Chair
Melinda Nix
Kevin Hughes 
Brandelyn Nelson 
Julie Smitherman

Meeting Times

Meetings are on an as needed basis.

View Agendas and Minutes


Steve Gilbert

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